The sectors you mentioned, healthcare, education and housing, also suffer from cost disease. While the productivity should have grown, since the emergence of tech has made all of these sectors more productive, practically they remain highly expensive! I looked into this quite a bit in my substack, and it remains a pretty interesting mystery, and probably the central one for us today.

While tech will help us move forward, it has to be said that so far the hunt for efficiencies have helped, but haven't solved for the heavy polarisation that we see - both economically and socio-politically. That remains not just a technocratic challenge, but a deeper social and political one.

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well said, rkris

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Feb 9, 2021Liked by Nikhil Basu Trivedi

I really loved this post. I think this is the ultimate goal of what we should be aiming to with our job as investors. I think that what you write here should be a manifesto across all the VC market. Narrowing the gap of inequality would be the best use of technology, talent, and capital together. I don't know how I can help, but I would happy to contribute to the discussion.

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really appreciate that, Massimo. i think the more of us that think this way, the naturally better our ecosystem, society, planet, etc. will be.

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Feb 8, 2021Liked by Nikhil Basu Trivedi

In building towards narrowing this gap, who determines what is fact and what is fiction? I think this is one of the biggest questions looming over media/social media for the next decade or more. There is no real organisation that is trusted by both sides I dont think.

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agreed, Michael. huge issue and don't know how it gets solved right now.

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Feb 11, 2021Liked by Nikhil Basu Trivedi

Here is someone who has some interesting thinking on discerning the truth. I believe he might be onto something. He has shared more thinking on this with me that is not on site. He is looking for people to partner with him on this. https://www.w3.org/community/credibility/

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thank you for sharing, Paul! it doesn't look like there's been an update for a year... does it have any traction?

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Not really, unfortunately. I would be happy to send you his more current document. He has put more thought into it and is calling it "TrustLamp". I am not at liberty to share it on a public thread.

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Feb 7, 2021Liked by Nikhil Basu Trivedi

It was a nice read! You summarized whatever happened in the last years. There are problems, but there is also solutions for them.

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cheers Marshal!

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Feb 4, 2021Liked by Nikhil Basu Trivedi

@Nikhil I enjoy your writing and have recommended your blog to many friends. One of your quotes above really resonates with me as how social communities have encouraged "people to show their best selves instead of their real selves." I am building a community with intimacy, authenticity (and hopefully over time scale too while keeping the realness) focused on leaders and emerging leaders in finance, accounting, people ops, legal etc. I am finding the need for support, authenticity and connection resonates. Would love to share more and get your thoughts if you have the time and inclination.

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happy to learn more!

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